Saturday, September 19, 2009

We had fun walking in memory of April last Saturday. We walked 2 miles with some of Scott's family. We all had shirts that Scott and I made. We had a nice time.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Blog

So I finally got my bow blog up and going. Not all the bows are on there yet but check it out.

Tell me what you think.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Here are a couple of my favorite pictures. Not much has gone on since the last time I updated this. Kaden is doing good in pre-school and loves his friends. When the weather is nice I can't keep him inside. He loves to ride his bike and play kickball with Karsen. He is growing up way to fast.
Karsen is my happy 2 year old who would be outside from the minute he wakes up to the minute it is time for bed if I let him. He loves playing with Kaden and has to try everything Kaden tries.
April is a very happy, good baby. She sleeps through the night, which mommy loves. At her last check up a few weeks ago she was 9lbs 2oz. She is so much fun and such a joy to our family.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Here are some pictures of the kids. They grow up was to fast.
April flashing her gang signs!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Already 3 Weeks Old!

I can't believe that my little girl is already 3 weeks old. Time is flying by already. She is so much fun and I enjoy every minute of her as do the boys. She is such a good baby and already sleeping through most of the night. Depending on when she ate last we only get up 1 to 2 times a night. She still only really makes a noise if she is hungry other than that we don't really hear much from her. hope you enjoy her new pictures.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I can't believe that April is almost 2 weeks old. Time is passing by to fast already. Here are a couple pictures from her second stay at the hospital with her cute tanning glasses on and the other with her IV arm and some cute ones of her in her outfits. She is to much fun already and such a good baby. She hardly ever makes a sound unless she is letting you know she is ready to eat which is still nothing or if the doctors are doing something to her that she doesn't like. She doesn't cry if they are poking her with needles or trying to get blood, but if you make her move her arm or leg or whatever she doesn't want moved then she will get mad and let you know. She is to stinking cute already. She only wakes up 2 times a night which I love. Her brothers love her and are constantly kissing her.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

April Baylie

Little April was admitted into the hospital on Tuesday night. She is doing so much better now and back home. We were at the hospital for a little less than 24 hours. She was dehydrated, borderline jaundice and had a low temperature and lost 13% of her body weight. This of course all very stressful to me. They had her hooked up to an IV so they could give her fluids. They had her under the lights ( looked like she was stinking cute ). She is doing fine now. I will post new pics of her soon.

Friday, February 6, 2009


April was born on February 5, 2009 @ 3:01pm by C-Section. She was 5lbs 15 1/2 oz and 19 1/2 inches. She is a very good baby already and is very very loved by her brothers. When the Dr. pulled her out of my belly she decided to grab onto one of the surgical tools they were using and she didn't want to let go. Everyone in the delivery room was laughing cause they couldn't get her to drop it. Mom and baby are doing great and getting some rest.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Doctor Appt!!

So I went to the doctor today and I got good and bad news. The Good news is that I am dilated to a 2! Awesome yes! The bad news: What does every pregnant woman not want to hear...or at least this pregnant woman....The baby is BREACH!!! If she doesn't move on her own I am going to have to have a C-SECTION! Apparently I don't have enough fluid in there for him to make her move so she has to do it on her own. I was hoping for good news today and thought that it was great when he told me I was Dilated to a 2 then he had to kill it with but I think I felt a foot...Lets go do a quick ultrasound to make sure. Sure enough she has her hands in my ribs...her head in my side......and her feet down low. GREAT!!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

So I finally got my background changed but for whatever reason I can't get the color on the posts to change. Anyone want to tell me the secret?

So not much has happened in our lives since my last posting. Scott is excited for his upcoming vacation. He gets to go to Fresno for a couple of days. He needs a vacation but I am not very excited that the kids and I don't get to go.

As far as my pregnancy goes...I am done! Well, not quite. I still have just over a month until my due date but, I am so ready. She is on my sciatic nerve so every time she moves now I have a pain shot down both of my legs. I have had a lot of back pain this time also. My doctor gave me a maternity belt to help and it does for the most part.

So I finally broke down and bought Karsen a little toilet seat cover so I can potty train him. I used to use a little toilet that sings and stuff like that but here in out new place the bathroom just isn't big enough for it. So yesterday I put it on the toilet and took him in there to go potty and I swear the kid was in there for at least 20 minutes. He sat down and went potty and would start to get off and then sit back down and push until a little something would come out, then he would sit there for a minute and it would start all over again. He loved it. I finally let the bathroom cause I was tired of sitting there watching him get on and off just to get out a drop.

Kaden....Man what to say about my little monster. He is such a good kid (when he wants to be) He loves playing with Karsen and going to preschool. He is constantly telling Scott or I a story of something off the wall which is in some way hilarious to him. Some times I have no idea what he is saying I just have to laugh at how funny he is telling the story. The other day I told him "Hey Kaden, maybe we can paint later today" his reply was "Yeah, maybe if your not such a lazy butt today cause you just want to be lazy and then I want to paint." So apparently because I don't drop everything I am doing when he asks to paint I am a Lazy butt.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I am trying to find a new layout and also learn how to add it so bear with me as I am figuring things out. P.S. It may take a while. I am kinda slow at the whole Blogger thing still.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Kilner Family

Friday, January 2, 2009

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! My boys are having a blast with all the new toys that they got this year and are having fun with Grandpa & Grandma Kilner & the girls being here for the Holidays. They have loved playing in all the snow that we got around Christmas time. As we start this new year we ( or at least Kaden and I ) are counting down until baby comes. We both can't wait any longer. Daddy thinks we are crazy for getting things out and ready but we are having fun doing it. We are finally pretty much settled in our new place so I had to jump in on doing the baby's things.