Thursday, January 29, 2009

Doctor Appt!!

So I went to the doctor today and I got good and bad news. The Good news is that I am dilated to a 2! Awesome yes! The bad news: What does every pregnant woman not want to hear...or at least this pregnant woman....The baby is BREACH!!! If she doesn't move on her own I am going to have to have a C-SECTION! Apparently I don't have enough fluid in there for him to make her move so she has to do it on her own. I was hoping for good news today and thought that it was great when he told me I was Dilated to a 2 then he had to kill it with but I think I felt a foot...Lets go do a quick ultrasound to make sure. Sure enough she has her hands in my ribs...her head in my side......and her feet down low. GREAT!!!


Mel's Family said...

Hang in there Dana...miracles can happen! If you end up with a C-section you will still be OK. The recovery is harder, but when your are loving that sweet baby in your arms you won't even mind. (Molly was breach too...C-section of course)Is your mom going to get to come take care of you? Good luck to you. Keep us updated. Melinda

Kate said...

keep me posted girl! it will all work out! you are amazing! I miss your guts!