Sunday, November 9, 2008

Thanks everyone for being so excited for us. I a still learning how to use this blog thing and our computer is currently broken. So as soon as I have the time to go somewhere and add pics. I promise I will.
As far as names go, Scott and I have a couple different names picked out and we think we are going to wait until we see her but are not sure. But here is what we are thinking. Let me know what you think...

April Marie
Brooklyn Dawn
April Baylie
And still thinking of others - bas. April a a first or middle or even Dawn


Mel's Family said...

I love that you are using April's name...what an honor for that baby girl! I hope you are feeling well. love, Melinda

Jared and Lindsey said...

That's exciting! I like Brooklyn Dawn. You and I had the same idea though. Our next girl was going to have Dawn as her middle name. I really wanted to remember April in that way. Congrats again on the new baby!